Little Man, you are just an explosion of new skills and love.
- Holy moley you can keep yourself upright. You're still mostly doing what your dad and I lovingly call the "Sitting Gorilla Pose," but you're sitting straighter every day.
- You're learning new things all the time: like if you kick the giraffe on your play gym the music will start playing and the butterflies move.
- You also have learned that if you kick The Mama in the middle of the night she will wake up and feed you. Along the same lines, it's hilarious to watch you playing with your dad and he pretends to fall asleep with you sitting on his tummy. You lean forward, get an anticipatory smile on your face and coo quietly at him. And then you laugh and laugh when he "startles" awake.
- You are responding to your name(s)! I know you have a lot of nicknames, but you seem to recognize most of them and you'll turn your head to say "what's up?"
- Tummies are yummy, and you love it when I nom on yours.
- You're not liking going to sleep these days, though. I think you're just so excited by all of the new things you're noticing that you don't want it to stop. And you're noticing e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. these days: the design on your play gym, my coffee cup, the pictures in books, your toys, my computer...and everything has to go into your mouth.
- You can push yourself all the way up on your arms - elbows straight, in sort of the "Cobra Pose." Sometimes you fiddle with your legs and I swear you are thisclose to getting on your hands and knees.
- Your dad showed me a new trick you have. He puts your pacifier in his mouth, you reach up, grab it, turn it, and then put it in your own mouth. It's rare that you get the right part in your mouth on the first try...but I'm still impressed!
- Surefire way to get you to smile (if not laugh) no matter what mood you are in? Pick you up to see the baby in the mirror. I'm not sure whether what you were doing the other day was giving him kisses or trying to chew on him, but it was really funny to watch you mouthing the mirror.
- I love how you sing along with us now, or with the music. Lately we've been putting you down for naps listening to Jesus Christ Superstar, and it's really fun to hear you coo along. Or when your dad and I are singing a song to you and you join in. Ah, it warms my heart.
- And you are definitely a musical baby. You get a kick out of playing notes on the piano (and then trying to chew the piano) or plucking strings on dad's guitar or my ukulele.
- Yesterday at the pool one of the other swimmers commented on how "serious" you are. And it's true. You don't just give away your joy and love to anyone at any time. You are an appraising baby - everything and everyone needs to pass inspection. Never mind that so far EVERYone has passed inspection with you - but you need to get to know someone first before you'll be the smiley, playful baby that you are with us. I love you, kiddo.
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