
Monday, October 25, 2010

It's been a couple of weeks...

It's been a couple of weeks since starting my experiment at cutting out processed food. For the most part, I've been having a lot of success.

The difference in cost seems to be pretty small. I might have to attribute that to my proximity to the Central Valley of California, though. Fresh asparagus for $1.47/lb? Sign me up! As of right now I'm eating a meal of pasta with, broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, squash, mushrooms, and a few chives, all drizzled with balsamic vinegar and with a side of home-made wheat bread. Mmmmmm tasty. Actual prep time (not including the bread) was about 30 minutes, and for 3-4 adult size servings I spent somewhere in the neighborhood of $7.

And the bread? Easy-peasy in the bread maker. It takes approximately 1 minute of prep time and then I push a button.

So what (if any) effects have I seen so far? Well, I'm down 3.5 lbs. I'm sure it's all water weight, which makes a ton of sense for having cut out as much processed stuff as possible. I don't even want to know how much salt is suddenly gone from my diet just by switching from Lean Cuisine lunches to fresh veggies and dinner leftovers. But my skin is also clearer. I have a tiny bit more energy. As in, I have enough energy to cook rather than simply enough to push a button on the microwave.

So far so good. Hopefully we can keep this up long enough for it to become habit.

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