
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation makes you do funny things like lose your balance, trail off mid-sentence, and become forgetful. (Um, I forgot some key pumping supplies AGAIN today. When I got home I promptly pulled out the electric pump and got 16 ounces in between feedings. No joke.)

Lack of sleep tends to make me weepy, cranky, or physically cold. I usually look like hell when I don't get my zzzs. I come down with colds, I pick fights with my husband, and I have a hard time getting through the work day.

When I learned that I was pregnant, this was one thing that scared the crap out of me.

I learned that I'm still weepy, cranky, cold, look like hell, pick fights, and have a hard time getting through the work day.

But I also find that all of those things are easier to deal with when it's not 2 AM. Lots of deep breaths, venting to my Freaky Internet Mom Friends, and generous amounts of concealer help me start the day. Coffee, lots of check-ins at home, a solid work routine, and lots of deep breaths help me get through the rest of the day.

It's a deeper kind of tired than I've ever experienced before. This doesn't compare to a bad night's sleep, or a week's worth of poor sleep. It's like gravity decided to double its force.

I confess that there have been times in the middle of the night that I've gotten angry with the Little Man. But he's dependent on me, so that means I need to suck it up, put those feelings aside for a little bit, and take care of him. And then when it's time to get up, it's like I have a new super power: no matter how tired or frustrated I am, or how heavy I feel gravity tugging at my limbs, I'm able to get up and function.

I might call a student by the wrong name, or forget to bring my breast pump supplies to work, but mostly I do OK. And I still want to come home and play instead of sleep.

Crazy, huh?


  1. I hear ya on coming home to play instead of sleep. I took Sophie out and about a few days ago and was so exhausted. It was great seeing people and getting out, but it wasn't long before all I wanted to do was go home and snuggle with my baby and nothing else.
